Lumineyes Laser eye color change Turkey

Eye Color Change Surgery Guide

How Does Color of Your Eyes Change?

Changing the color of your eyes can be done in a variety of ways. The most cost-effective option is laser eye color change. Only the laser-assisted approach to changing eye color produces healthy and natural results. With a laser operation performed by a competent eye surgeon, you will have permanently colored eyes. In addition to having an experienced eye surgeon, the type of laser utilized is also critical.

The Mylumineyes laser picks up and targets only the melanin pigments in the iris. The laser energy-absorbing melanin cells in Mylumineyes go through a chemical process. After this biological and chemical reaction, the body’s defensive mechanism comes into play.

Melanin cells are normally eliminated from the body in this technique. This is how the "Mylumineyes Laser eye color change procedure" uses natural bodily reactions to carry out the procedure. The two most crucial aspects to consider if you want to use a laser to change the color of your eyes are who your doctor is and how skilled he is.

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What Are the Benefits of Changing Your Eye Color?

How to change the color of your eyes.

Everyone, we believe, has a colorful eye dream. Many people are attracted to the colors blue, green, and gray. Changing the color of your eyes with Mylumineyes is significantly safer than wearing colored contact lenses. It is more cost-effective in the long run than colored contact lenses. It does not necessitate any surgical procedures. It is completely safe and has little to no adverse effects. The Mylumineyes laser is a painless treatment. As a result of our research, we found no long-term consequences.

What are your perspectives on laser permanent eye color change?

We find it quite safe and does not cause any complications in the long term. We definitely recommend it to change eye color naturally and safely

What is the summary of the change in eye color with the modified MY® Lumineyes technique?

**** Developed primarily for the treatment of patients with MY® Lumineyes and Heterochromia.

The doctors created therapy options for patients with heterochromia, a color difference between their eyes, by designing a laser approach with a unique wavelength effect mechanism and exploring ways to employ it for aesthetic purposes. Long-term observations and advancements led to the development of today’s methodologies, which are continually improving the methodology. By stimulating the brown pigments, the "MY®Lumineyes" laser technology adds color to the cells. To ensure that the treatment causes eye color change, dark colored cells are poured in and blue, hazel, gray, and green colors are presented.

According to our observations, dark coffee, intense pigment-containing eyes, more gray or hazel tones, and light-colored pigmented eyes in blue or green have the ability to transform into color, according to our observations.

The change in color of the eye responds to a variable in relation to the resistance of the present colored pigments.

Color change occurs in 95–99% of eyes for each color tone.

Is this technique suitable for all people?

With this technique, a lot of people can change their eye color to green, gray, hazel, or blue.

How is the MY®Lumineyes technique applied?

This operation is carried out using a new laser, which has a special wavelength, has a microscopic effect, and does not damage the surrounding tissues.

The process lasts 2 minutes and can be repeated based on the response; the frequency of the sessions varies depending on the person’s eye color.

With the data obtained, color change in the eye at the end of 1 month and marked coloration at the end of 3 months was observed.

Unauthorized persons’ changes in eye color will cause patients’ blindness.

Is the MY®Lumineyes technique safe? Is there any risk?

Possible complications and risks are as follows:

1-Closed angle glaucoma

2-Iris atrophy


4-light sensitivity

5-macular edema

As long as the patient follows up, there is no problem and no complications.

From the information we obtained from our long-term results, we found this operation safe. The new method we developed is safer, more effective, and smoother than the classical luminescence technique.

People during the laser do not feel much discomfort.

Special attention should be given to appropriate patient selection, technical professionalism, regular control, and close follow-up of patients.


laser eye color change turns stroma of iris brown to blue

When will the patient return home after the MY® Lumineyes technique?

After laser application, the patient can return to their daily life frequently. If it doesn’t have light sensitivity and is blurry.

I also recommend resting. Although there is no significant difference between pre-and post-laser life, it is advised to avoid strenuous activity.

How many patients have changed their eye color with the MY®Lumineyes technique?

In 1420 out of 1412 patients, eye color change was successful, and in 8 patients, discoloration did not occur due to structural differences (these patients continued their normal life with old eye color).

This laser technique can be applied successfully and safely to people who are eligible for examination and who have reached the age of 18 years.

If the patients are using contact lenses before the operation, they should stop using the lenses for 2–3 days before the treatment.

Which patients can not get MY®Lumineyes laser eye color change?

1-Uncontrolled Diabetes-Diabetic patients

Patients with closed and open angle glaucoma (patients with eye pressure)

3-Iridocyclitis-Uveitis patients

4-to those with severe rheumatic disease

5-to those with the absence of congenital iris

6- colored eyes (relative)

7-to those with unknown systemic disease

8-People who want to get results in a very short time.

Laser operations cannot be performed with the MY®Lumineyes technique for the people in the above list.

Who can apply the eye color change operation with the MY®Lumineyes technique?

Eye color changes can be applied to all those without age restriction above 18 years of age with the MY®Lumineyes technique.

How long does the effect of changing the color of the eye last with the MY®Lumineyes technique?

The duration of action of this laser operation is lifelong. This process is irreversible. The person with the changed eye color will continue their life.

Can people who have previously undergone eye surgery have the chance to have their eye color changed with the Modified MY®Lumineyes technique?

Yes, it can be done, except for some special cases. It can be done after the preliminary examination and the patient’s anamnesis.

How much does it cost to change the color of your eyes?

Costs start at 4,800 euros.

How to change your eye color safely?

The answer is "Laser Eye Color Change with Mylumineyes."


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